Monday, April 30, 2012

Here's a little sneak peek at the poster design I just finished up for the 2012 St. Louis Artcrank poster show coming up in May 2012. All the posters are bike themed and will be for sale for $40 each.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Part of a nutritious breakfast!

I am participating in the 2011 St. Louis AIGA Foodstock Art Party on Sept 23rd. All the artists were asked to create something "food based" for their submission. Some folks took a blank silver lunch box and used that for inspiration and others took the food theme and ran with that. I created a cut paper homage to some of my favorite cereal boxes of the past. I put my own spin on the classic character designs.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Look up in the sky!

It's a bird! It's a plane! Nope, it's just a crummy commercial. Here's a set of billboards I did for NPR's Morning Edition that were up in the Fall of 2010.

Tree Me!

This is a painting I did with gouache on canvas board a year ago and I just found it the other day. I was testing the paint to see if it was still good. And guess what...they tasted perfectly fine.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quickest way to a man's heart...

This is a piece I did for an AIGA show a little while ago. The theme was Love/Crush and all the artists were given a tin heart to do whatever they wanted based on that theme. I ended up doing this one with both acrylic and gouache on the tin heart.

Monday, November 22, 2010

A long time ago on a playlist far far away...

Are you like me? Are you sick of tired of having your entire Star Wars soundtrack library looking like a patchwork quilt of crappy album covers full of poorly inspired photo collage's of awkwardly posed awkward actors? Sure you are! Well then do what I did...take it upon yourself to bring balance back to the force by providing the consistency and order to the entire 6 disc collection of album artwork in your own iTunes or iPod library that John Williams so rightly deserves. No matter what you think about the prequels you can't accuse John Williams of phoning it in. Who's with me? Anyone? Oh geez.

For those who dare to care...I am including full size jpg's if you feel like adding these babies to your own collection. May the you know the rest.

Set A:

Set B:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tis the Seasons

This is a set of seasonal catalogue cover illustrations I did recently for a client at work.