Friday, September 23, 2011

Part of a nutritious breakfast!

I am participating in the 2011 St. Louis AIGA Foodstock Art Party on Sept 23rd. All the artists were asked to create something "food based" for their submission. Some folks took a blank silver lunch box and used that for inspiration and others took the food theme and ran with that. I created a cut paper homage to some of my favorite cereal boxes of the past. I put my own spin on the classic character designs.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Look up in the sky!

It's a bird! It's a plane! Nope, it's just a crummy commercial. Here's a set of billboards I did for NPR's Morning Edition that were up in the Fall of 2010.

Tree Me!

This is a painting I did with gouache on canvas board a year ago and I just found it the other day. I was testing the paint to see if it was still good. And guess what...they tasted perfectly fine.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quickest way to a man's heart...

This is a piece I did for an AIGA show a little while ago. The theme was Love/Crush and all the artists were given a tin heart to do whatever they wanted based on that theme. I ended up doing this one with both acrylic and gouache on the tin heart.